Project Description

About the Client

Our client is a technology service provider with 500+ employees working for global clients spanning multiple industries.

Given their large workforce and client base, they had an Autotask ticketing system in place. However, they did not have a system in place, which would help them identify if a ticket was addressed within the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) timeframe. Also, they were failing to set clear accountability as to why certain tickets were left unattended.

Key Requirements

When we connected with the client their key requirement was to get their ticket management process streamlined. They need a custom solution that could:

  • Help them identify unattended or delayed tickets.
  • Help track ticket completion within the expected timeframe.
  • Maintain an immutable history of ticket activities.

Solution Highlights

Based on our detailed discussions with the stakeholders, we at SynergyTop suggested Autotask integration with a custom-built solution.

Our custom solution integrated with their Autotask ticketing system had the following key functionalities:

  • Dashboard

This comprehensive screen provides an overview of all tickets, displaying critical details such as the ticket title, assignee, estimated hours for resolution, creation date and time, issue type, current status, and SLA compliance.
A ‘History’ feature was also added which offers an unalterable record of all actions taken on each ticket. This helped ensure full accountability and transparency in the system.

  • SLA Settings

The SLA setting functionality is where the administrators can create and manage various SLA types (including details like name and the maximum time duration for the SLA). ‘
There is also an option to tag the SLA as managerial or technical.

The managerial SLAs have statuses such as:

  • Open (when the ticket is not yet assigned to any technical resource)
  • Assigned (when the ticket is assigned to a technical resource)

The technical SLAs have statuses such as:

  • Waiting Customer Response,
  • Waiting Materials
  • Escalated, etc.

These separate SLA types allow precise tracking of where the delay is in terms of completing the SLAs.

  • Resources

This screen lists all employees (called resources). It shows their usernames, contact details, when the resource was created, and their current status (active in the system or not).

The most important aspect of this resource dashboard is that it allows adding the “login” and “logout” times for each of the resources.

These details are then used to calculate the working hours of the resources and check SLA compliance accurately. With details about a resource’s working hours, it is ensured that tickets assigned outside of working hours are not unfairly marked as delayed.

Here’s a quick example of how the SLA calculations work:

Let us say we have an SLA with a time limit of 6 hours. The resource (to whom the ticket is assigned) works from 10 AM to 6 PM from Monday to Friday Now let us say a ticket is created at 10 AM on Monday and updated at 12 PM on Wednesday.If the current time is 11 AM on Thursday, here’s how the SLA calculations will work:

  • Working hours since the last update:
    • Wednesday: 6 hours (12 PM – 6 PM)
    • Thursday: 1 hour (10 AM – 11 AM)
    • Total: 7 hours

This means the ticket’s SLA has been missed (7 hours > 6 hours)

Now, let us also assume that no action is taken even till 4 PM on Friday. This will result in a total delay of 20 hours.

This means the missed SLA count is now ‘3’ (20 hours / 6 hours, rounded)

  • Logs

This screen maintains a complete log of all webhook and cron activities. It also displays the status of each event.

For example, a status of 200 indicates success, while other numbers help identify and troubleshoot errors swiftly.

Project Outcomes

Our custom software development and Autotask customization services yielded significant improvements in the system for our client.

The key business benefits of this Autotask integration include:

  • Enhanced ticket resolution times and reduced unattended tickets.
  • Improved accountability with an unalterable history of ticket actions.
  • Streamlined SLA compliance monitoring, ensuring prompt resolution.

Looking for a similar custom solution for your unique business needs? Don’t wait. Schedule a no-cost initial consultation with our custom software developers and integration experts. Book your slot here or give us a call at +1 (619) 349 4911.