mobile app development usa

20 07, 2022

Data-backed Answers To Your Most Common Mobile App Development Questions

Mobile apps have become key tools for businesses to reach their audience’s hearts. After all,  The Apple App store has 1.96 million apps available for download. The Google Play Store has 2.87 million apps that users can download. But breaking into the mobile app marketplace is not easy. It takes a lot of time, effort, [...]

6 12, 2021

Educational App Development 101 – Types, Features, Cost, and Monetization

Education today looks nothing like it used to look at the turn of the century. E-books are replacing hardcovers and lectures are happening online instead of in classrooms. Smartphones have become the crux of learning. And the education market has become a platform for technovations (tech innovations!). Big shots in the tech world like Samsung, [...]

12 02, 2021

How Augmented Reality Is Transforming Mobile App Development?

While the cutting-edge Virtual Reality was taking all the audience’s attention, Augmented Reality was slowly taking hold of our day-to-day lives. It is now getting the same attention as virtual reality and has got mainstream much faster. People find it really amusing. And many keep on using it without even realizing that they are using [...]

4 09, 2020

Critical Questions to Ask Yourself Before Meeting With Your Mobile App Developer

Your dream mobile application won’t fulfill your needs unless you invest the time and energy up front. When managers craft a plan ahead of time, their partnerships with app developers are more successful. Outside vendors won’t understand your business vision without context. It’s up to you to outline exactly how you want your app to look and [...]