ecommerce web development services

8 06, 2022

Smart Search Functionality For eCommerce Websites – What, Why, and How?

Imagine you have a physical store. A customer walks in. Sees no salesperson. Tries to look around for the things they need. Now there can be two situations.  One, the visitors find what they are looking for and buy it. Or two, they don’t find what they need and return empty-handed.  To avoid the second [...]

31 08, 2020

Benefits of Building an E-commerce Site Using commercetools

A new wave of technology – commercetools. In May, commercetools were first named as a leader by Forrester. Now it is named as a leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce as well! commercetools powered Composable Commerce is now placed firmly in the mainstream. It's rapid rise in these reports is a [...]