augmented reality development services in orange county

1 12, 2021

Augmented Reality in Education and Training – How to Bank on the Hottest Industry Trend

Traditional learning and training methods are fast being overridden by new-age technological tools. Technology has changed the face of the education industry, for the better. And the pandemic has hastened...

12 02, 2021

How Augmented Reality Is Transforming Mobile App Development?

While the cutting-edge Virtual Reality was taking all the audience’s attention, Augmented Reality was slowly taking hold of our day-to-day lives. It is now getting the same attention as virtual reality and has got mainstream much faster. People find it really amusing. And many keep on using it without even realizing that they are using [...]

28 01, 2021

Is Augmented Reality transforming your industry? Checkout…

In the year 2020, the people were locked in their homes and found innovative ways to connect with the outside world. Some of the industries struggled to find the alternatives for the physical resources to make sure that the day-to-day processes are run as effectively as in the times before the pandemic. It emerged that [...]