Android developer Los Angeles

31 10, 2018

Technologies and Trends that rule on Mobile Development

More than 1.5 billion smartphones were sold to end users in 2017 (Statista). The smartphones sale continues to grow year after year and as a result, mobile application development continues to be a thriving vocation. However, with 2.1 million Apps on Google Play Store and about 2 million app on the Apple’s AppStore (Statista), you [...]

29 09, 2016

Mobile App Development for Digital Agencies – A Cut Above The Rest!

In this era of smartphones, business of all nature and kinds – Finance, Banking, Healthcare, Entertainment, Lifestyle need to have their presence on this platform. Mobile Application Development is a craft that millions of software companies across the globe have mastered. However, we at SynergyTop believe that Developing Mobile Apps For Digital Agencies needs a [...]