Shopify has become one of the most adaptable platforms for successful Ecommerce businesses. The most-loved feature of this platform is the ease of handling both, the Ecommerce website as well as the point-of-sale process. Shopify comes with amazing themes and features that facilitate more control over your sales.

However, setting up a Shopify store is just the tip of an iceberg. You need to optimize the Shopify website to completely exploit all the benefits that this platform offers. Optimization of the website is vital for more traffic, conversions, and search engine visibility.

Here are some best practices that can help you enhance the RoI of your Shopify investments –

  1. Right Website Architecture – Having the right website architecture not only provides an enhanced user experience to your customers but also expedite the search engine indexing. It allows the customers to navigate through the website in fewer clicks, as well as allows the search engine robots to easily crawl your Ecommerce website.

For Shopify Ecommerce website, a flat architecture is the best choice because it allows the search engine and customers to reach any webpage in 4 and fewer clients

interlinking site architecture easy indexing

pages that can not be indexed

  1. Optimize Your Website Speed – Website performance and speed are of utmost importance, especially for an E-commerce business as a greater loading time often results in a high bounce rate. Slow websites may lead to a reduction in organic traffic. Statistics claim that each second of delay in the load time results in a decrease of conversions by 7% (according to Search Engine Journal).

website speed optimization services

Here are a few best practices that you can adopt to enhance the speed of your Shopify website-

  • Choose a fast and responsive Shopify theme
  • Optimize the size of each image uploaded on the website
  • Reduce the JS and CSS file size
  • Regular monitoring of the ‘Speed and Behavior’ from Google Analytics
  • Adhere to the suggestions from the Google Search Console
  • Activate the browser cache
  • Use Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Minimize website redirects and broken links
  1. Optimize Shopify Website for Search Engine – A higher search engine rank facilitates organic traffic to your eCommerce store by helping visitors find your website from the Search Engine Result Page. More traffic fetches more conversions and greater sales!

shopify seo optimization

Shopify comes with inbuilt SEO features. However, we recommend an enhanced Focus on On-page SEO as it is vital in increasing the website traffic and to rank better on the SERP.

How to optimize On-page SEO

  • Obtain the most relevant keywords by keyword research
  • Purchase an SSL certificate and convert your website to HTTPS
  • Create a proper URL structure for every page and product on your website
  • Optimize Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3)
  • Use descriptive filenames or Alt tags for your images
  • Create and update Sitemap (XML/HTML)
  • Place targeted keywords on every page as H1 tag
  • Optimize the Meta descriptions and follow appropriate character limit
  • Set up Google Search Console and continuously monitor the Website
  • Set up Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for website analytics
  • Find helpful SEO Tools, such as ahrefs, SEMrush and Agency Analytics
  1. Use Structured Data Markup – The Structured Data Markup or is the markup language that tells Google crawlers about your product such as review, rating, price, and availability. Structured Data Markup enables the search engine to understand your website and products. It also facilitates a better product view for your customers without navigating into the website.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          helps seo
  2. Content is the King – In the Ecommerce business, customers are always seeking high-quality content about their favorite brands. Relevant and well-written content establishes trust with your customers and increases the credibility of your business. This in turn, will help improve the conversions and garner more sales.

content writing services

Blogs, articles, podcasts (On services, brands, products) that follow the SEO guidelines and address the customers’ concern areas also encourage higher rankings on SERP.

For instance – Google displays snippets or answer box while customer ask something related to brand.

Our Verdict

The optimization of a Shopify Website is an ongoing process! These best practices will help you increase the RoI of your Shopify investments and drive more traffic to your website.

SynergyTop can help you in building a feature-rich Shopify website and mobile application for your Ecommerce business. We can also help you migrate your existing Ecommerce website to Shopify. Write to us at for a free consultation.