Official estimates from SEMRush tell us that in 2022, companies are expected to have an average of 35 active artificial intelligence projects. And we are of the opinion that a majority of these projects will be in the form of AI in web development.


Well, when most people hear about AI, they imagine self-driven cars and robots that think and act like humans. But there’s more to AI than that. 

Artificial intelligence is an interrelation of several areas of study, which can help improve our lives in many small but impactful ways too.
And AI is also revolutionizing businesses.

But when it comes to businesses, you don’t always need to commission big-budget robot or smart device development projects to harness the potential of AI. You can also get the best of AI by integrating it with your business website.

Wondering how?

Here are the top 5 ways to use artificial intelligence to improve your website:

1. Use AI Chatbots To Offer Exceptional Customer Service

AI Chatbot development

Experts predict that 90% of customer interactions will be automated by 2022. So, that means most business websites (including those of your competitors!) will have chatbots. How do you be better than everyone else? With AI chatbot development.

If you are still not convinced that AI is the way to beat your competitors, know that 27% of customers are interested in using artificial intelligence support tools.

By using AI-powered chatbots on your website you can also ensure better customer data collection and handling.

2. Make Your Website More Accessible For People With Disabilities Using AI

Website Accessibility with AI

The web is for everyone. And so should be your website. To make sure that your website is accessible for everyone, including those who are visually impaired or have hearing ailments, you need to use artificial intelligence.

AI-enabled solutions like video transcription, captioning, and audio reading can make sure even those with hearing or visual impairments can access your content and benefit from it.

Also, using AI can help your website stay ADA-compliant (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990).

3. Let AI Collect And Process Data From Your Website As Per Compliance Requirements

AI for Data Compliance

Companies collect and generate tons of data every day. But storing and managing that data in ways that are in line with the regulatory requirements is tough. Imagine if someone could collect all that data in a streamlined format, process it, and file the information away within accessible cabinets, all while ensuring you stay compliant with data regulations? That would be magical, right?

Well, AI can do that for you. Integrating AI tracking systems with your website can help collect data and AI knowledge visualization can help you process that data into business insights.

Thus, with AI integrations on your website, you can stay compliant and leverage data like never before.

4. Ensure Real-Time AI-Powered Personalization On Your Website

AI-powered Personalization

Generic cold emails, run-of-the-mill solutions, and copy-pasted data won’t work in 2022. What works is – personalization. 

In fact, 80% of people would like to work with businesses that offer a personalized experience. 

Furthermore, 66% expect businesses to understand their personal needs. And 71% of people get annoyed by impersonal digital experiences. 

However, for businesses offering personalized content to one-person audiences is tough, almost to the point of being practically impossible.

A pretty gloomy situation, right? Enter AI and the situation changes for the better. Artificial Intelligence integrations on your website can ensure that different visitors are shown different (personalized!) content based on their previous interactions with your business. 

The end result: happy customers and better bottom lines for you.  

Check out a real-world example of how we used AI to offer personalized travel recommendations to travelers for one of our travel and exploration sector clients.

5. Predict Churn Rates With AI And Take Quick Corrective Measures 

AI for predicting churn rates

Customer churn can cripple any organization. Now it is known that 50% of customers naturally churn in 5 years. However, if proper decisions and actions are taken at the right time, churn rates can be reduced and a majority of the costs that go into acquiring new customers can be saved. 

In fact, 85% of customer churn caused by poor service can be prevented. 

With progress in AI ML development, there are integration solutions available that can be deployed on the website to collect and analyze data and predict churn. Such integration options can either be used to get information about possible causes of churn and then remedy it. Or for some basic issues, the AI program can directly be programmed in a way so as to take the necessary actions and prevent churn. 

Start Leveraging The Power Of AI To Improve Your Business Website

With these latest AI developments as discussed, you can not just make your website better in form and functionality, but also ensure better returns from the site. 

However, did you know that one of the top factors that restrict the use of AI for businesses is the lack of skilled experts?

To ensure you don’t face such a challenge, it is best to find an artificial intelligence company that has significant website development experience. We at SynergyTop can be the end of that search for you. 

About SynergyTop

SynergyTop is a San Diego-based digital commerce company offering mobile app, web, and eCommerce development services. We work with new-age technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Blockchain, and more to create solutions that provide you with a definite asymmetrical advantage over your competitors.

To talk to our experts for AI development services, write to us at