Project Description

About the client 

Our client has an eCommerce store powered by WooCommerce. They were facing significant challenges in efficiently managing product data updates. With a vast product catalog and frequent price and inventory changes, manual updates were cumbersome and prone to errors.

They sought a WooCommerce automation solution that would speed up and simplify the process to offer seamless management.

Key Challenges

  • Uploading the file containing the product data and CSV file processing were manual and time-consuming tasks. With a large catalog of 4,000 products, the  CSV file processing was also prone to errors and inefficiencies.
  • The client lacked a WooCommerce automation system to update product prices and inventory based on SKU numbers. Manual intervention was often required, leading to delays and inconsistencies.
  • Handling incoming files for product updates required manual monitoring and processing. This led to delays and potential data discrepancies. The absence of WooCommerce automation for file management added to administrative overheads.

Solution Highlights:

To tackle the challenges being faced by the client, we suggested custom WooCommerce plugin development. Based on their requirements, we proposed below solution:

  • We developed the “Product CSV File Upload” plugin that streamlined the CSV file processing. It simplified the process of uploading and processing CSV files containing product data. The plugin seamlessly integrated with WooCommerce and enables automatic checks for existing products. The WooCommerce automation plugin then updated prices or inventory based on SKU numbers.
  • Initially, we revamped the CSV upload section using HTML, JS, and CSS, enhancing its appearance and usability. To handle large datasets, we implemented a bundling mechanism to process products in batches of 50, ensuring efficient upload and processing.
  • We established an automated CSV file processing system by setting up “inbound” and “outbound” folders within the WordPress core directory. A template was created in the WordPress backend to trigger a cron job. Upon placing a file in the “inbound” folder, a cron job is automatically executed every 24 hours, checking for files with a date matching the current date in their filename. Matched files were processed to update WooCommerce data and moved to the “outbound” folder.

Project Outcomes

With our WooCommerce plugin development, our client gained the following business benefits:

  • Automated CSV file processing and product updates significantly reduced manual effort and processing time, improving operational efficiency.
  • With this WooCommerce automation for product updates based on SKU numbers, the client experienced fewer errors and ensured consistency in pricing and inventory across their catalog.
  • With a streamlined process for managing product data, the client could scale their operations seamlessly, focusing on growth and customer experience rather than administrative tasks.

Want to get a custom plugin developed for your unique needs? Schedule a WooCommerce plugin development consultation with our experts today! Book your free consultation here – or give us a call at +1 (619)-349-4911.