custom development on shopify sandiego

13 04, 2021

How to Migrate Your Squarespace Ecommerce Site to Shopify?

The online shopping market is growing rapidly these days and selecting one suitable E-commerce platform is a big issue. Squarespace is a preferable E-commerce platform where you have a small product to sell. There are certain limitations with the platform which makes you opt for a more suitable platform like Shopify. Squarespace is an excellent [...]

13 04, 2021

Shopify Vs. Squarespace – Which Ecommerce Platform Is Appropriate For Your Online Store?

Primarily, Shopify and Squarespace are alike products, both of them let you create a website/store and sell products. Coding or design skills are not required in either case. They have a very distinct history though and were initiated with different aims. Shopify was specially created to make an online shopping store, whereas Squarespace was formulated [...]

12 03, 2021

How to Make Shopify Site SEO Friendly?

The E-commerce platform “Shopify” has become more prominent than ever. If we look at the statistics, its usage has more than doubled itself since July 2017. At present, out of the top 10,000 sites, 4.47% of them are using Shopify. The retail industry has moved towards internet for their shopping needs and E-commerce has gained [...]

3 02, 2021

Top 10 Shopify Plus Features That Boost Your Online Sale

When choosing an E-commerce platform, the retailers and online merchants have a lot of concerns which are beyond customer acquisition and revenue. The E-commerce platform problems which are mostly faced by every retailer are SEO, scalability, security, customer retention, conversion optimization and more. Rapid Growth of Shopify Before getting into the best features of Shopify [...]