software development

23 12, 2022

Project Development Methodologies – Agile vs. Waterfall

Agile vs Waterfall - The battle has been on and raging for quite a while now. So which project development methodology - iterative agile or sequential waterfall - should you choose? Find the answers right here.  Plus, find more project management methodologies for you to choose from if these two don’t fit your needs.  Software [...]

17 11, 2022

MVP Development For Your Business – Cost, Process, Timeline & More

Sources suggest that 18.4% of American businesses fail in the first year of launch. In a span of 10 years, the failure figure reaches 65.5%. Among others, the lack of a proper product is the key reason for business failure. And that could have been avoided with MVP development.  What is an MVP? How is [...]

28 08, 2022

5 Situations When Your Business Needs Custom Software Development Services

Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, custom software solutions are designed and developed for your specific business needs and offer personalized solutions. But are they really worth the time and monetary investment? Read on to find out.  Would you run a marketing campaign based on strategies designed for another business? How would you pay your employees based on [...]