
10 01, 2024

MEAN vs. MERN: Which Is Best For Web Development?

“He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.” By 2028, the global web development market will be worth USD 96,748.41 million. This means that you are not the only one planning to get a website or web app developed in 2024. It also means, that if you are already serious about web [...]

14 09, 2023

Sеrvеr-Sidе Rеndеring vs. Cliеnt-Sidе Rеndеring: Choosing thе Right Approach

Thе first fivе sеconds of pagе-load timе havе thе highеst impact on convеrsion ratеs. (Portеnt, 2019) Wеbsitе convеrsion ratеs drop by an avеragе of 4.42% with еach additional sеcond of load timе (bеtwееn sеconds 0-5). (Portеnt, 2019) Thеsе numbеrs undеrscorе thе stark rеality that thе spееd at which your wеbsitе loads is dirеctly intеrtwinеd with [...]

5 09, 2023

Website Localization Strategies: Connecting with Global Audiences Effectively

Do you know how far Paris in France is from London in the United Kingdom? 214 miles (344 kilometers). However, thanks to rampant digitalization, the distance between these two cities has been virtually erased in terms of accessing French cuisine.  Take, for instance, the world-renowned French wine.  You can easily find a wide variety of [...]

27 02, 2023

How Can You Streamline Your Business with Microsoft Dynamics?

Here’s how most managers start their day: Labor over manual processes and sift through disparate data sources just to get a glimpse of their business operations. Here’s how you could start your day: Find actionable insights and data regarding your business operations - all sectors - right in front of you in appealing formats.  [...]

24 02, 2023

Supply Chain And Logistics Automation – The Potential It Holds For Your Business

Supply chain and logistics have historically been a back office function. Not many organizations paid heed to how their supply chain functioned. The focus remained only on having a good product. How it was delivered to the end-user was the least of an organization’s concerns.  Now, with modernization, supply chains are being rethought. That’s because [...]