
7 04, 2024

How To Select The Perfect eCommerce Email Marketing Software

If you spend a dollar on email marketing, expect to make $36 from that. But if you are using email marketing for eCommerce, you can make $45 from that single dollar. Not our words. Research proved it. Does that mean you can blast spam emails and get money in your mail the next day? Absolutely not. [...]

27 08, 2023

Must-Have Elements for an eCommerce Website

The average global eCommerce conversion rate is 2.58%. Does that mean for every 100 visitors on your eCommerce website, 2.58 (!) of them would make a purchase?  Not really. It depends. On a lot of factors.  Like the device that your visitors are using. Mobile devices have a slightly lower rate of conversion (average 2% [...]

25 07, 2023

How to Build a Chatbot for Your eCommerce Platform with Dialogflow

Picture this: Half of all people are not just intrigued but genuinely eager to purchase products using chatbots.  And that's just the beginning. Within a year or two, a jaw-dropping 75% to 90% of all eCommerce queries are expected to be effortlessly handled by chatbots.  Imagine the efficiency and convenience of instant assistance, available at [...]