Digital Marketing

23 07, 2019

How to Optimize your Website for Voice Search

We have shared with you the benefits of Voice Search in the previous episode of this blog - Why To Enable Your Website For Voice Search? In this episode, we will share with you the best practices of optimizing your blog for the voice search. Here the steps to optimize your website for Voice search [...]

12 07, 2019

Why To Enable Your Website For Voice Search?

Voice Search has gained immense prominence after the introduction of Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and Amazon Alexa. Straight out from our childhood sci-fi movies, we are now using voice commands – not only for search but also to operate home appliances, such as music system and television. More smartphone users mean more use of the [...]

2 07, 2019

Best Web Practices To Grow Your Business

Websites can help businesses to achieve sustainable business growth. That said, people expect the websites they frequent to provide a worthwhile experience. The best businesses make it easy for people to locate and engage with content on their website. Review the following approaches to web design to earn and retain web customers. Offer Intuitive Navigation People [...]

1 02, 2018

Sales and Marketing Alignment for Fast-Paced Growth

Sales and Marketing are integral to every organization, irrespective of their size, domain and location. Ideally, these functions are an extension to each other and quite inseparable. However, in the real world scenario, these two teams are disjointed and often at odds with each other. The Top Management across companies and industries have been encouraging [...]