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3 02, 2021

Top 10 Shopify Plus Features That Boost Your Online Sale

When choosing an E-commerce platform, the retailers and online merchants have a lot of concerns which are beyond customer acquisition and revenue. The E-commerce platform problems which are mostly faced by every retailer are SEO, scalability, security, customer retention, conversion optimization and more. Rapid Growth of Shopify Before getting into the best features of Shopify [...]

28 01, 2021

Is Augmented Reality transforming your industry? Checkout…

In the year 2020, the people were locked in their homes and found innovative ways to connect with the outside world. Some of the industries struggled to find the alternatives for the physical resources to make sure that the day-to-day processes are run as effectively as in the times before the pandemic. It emerged that [...]

15 01, 2021

Commerce + Content = Best Shopping Experience

Forrester, a market research firm states that the brands who prioritize customer experience are growing very fast when compared to those who do not. The retail customer experience is not just about the E-commerce storefront, the brands need to think Omni-channel. It includes all the touch-points from all over the customer journey, from shopping and [...]