
About Jayesh Totla

Jayesh Totla, the co-founder of SynergyTop is an excellent IT professional with over 18 years of work experience in crafting innovative Digi-tech solutions. Adept at planning, architecting, developing, and delivering Enterprise-grade technology solutions, Jayesh has helped several small and medium enterprises and startups achieve their business goals. Connect with Jayesh via
12 02, 2024

The Ultimate Guide To Responsive Web Design Best Practices

There are hundreds of mobile screen sizes available in the market today. And as many (if not more) tablet sizes, desktop sizes, and laptop screen sizes.  You - as a business owner - cannot guess which device your potential audience would use to access your website. Also, you want your website to look and feel [...]

1 02, 2024

Cracking the Code: Acing Requirement Management for Successful Software Development

Did you know that 70% of digital transformation projects fail? Disheartening, right? What’s worse is that around 70% of these failures can be traced back to the issues with the requirements.  As a digital transformation and custom software development partner to over 500 companies over 10 years, we couldn’t agree more.  From vague briefs to [...]

14 01, 2024

Guide to Choosing & Collaborating With A Software Development Company

Guide to Choosing & Collaborating With A Software Development Company Software development is one of the fastest-growing industries today. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.9% between 2023 and 2030.  The number of software developers is also on the rise. By 2027, there will be 28.7 million software developers [...]

10 01, 2024

MEAN vs. MERN: Which Is Best For Web Development?

“He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.” By 2028, the global web development market will be worth USD 96,748.41 million. This means that you are not the only one planning to get a website or web app developed in 2024. It also means, that if you are already serious about web [...]