
About Jayesh Totla

Jayesh Totla, the co-founder of SynergyTop is an excellent IT professional with over 18 years of work experience in crafting innovative Digi-tech solutions. Adept at planning, architecting, developing, and delivering Enterprise-grade technology solutions, Jayesh has helped several small and medium enterprises and startups achieve their business goals. Connect with Jayesh via
23 03, 2023

10 Benefits of Implementing Chatbots in Your Business

Did you know chatbots were expected to generate over $8 billion in global savings by 2022? That’s probably why 80% of enterprises will look to use chatbots in the near future. And if your organization isn’t among those, you are missing out. On a lot of efficiency, saving, and success.  But if you are on [...]

19 03, 2023

Leveraging AI To Boost Your Retail Business

Imagine if you could walk into a supermarket, grab whatever you need, and just walk out. No that isn’t stealing. Your account would automatically be charged and an itemized bill will be sent your way. Well, that’s no dream. Amazon Go stores are living examples of such a utopian dream. You can learn more about Amazon [...]

9 03, 2023

Application Management Services – What Does It Mean and Do You Need It For Your Business?

How many apps does your organization use? These could be internal-use apps that you got customized or apps that you use for your clients that you got developed in-house. Now calculate the time...

27 02, 2023

How Can You Streamline Your Business with Microsoft Dynamics?

Here’s how most managers start their day: Labor over manual processes and sift through disparate data sources just to get a glimpse of their business operations. Here’s how you could start your day: Find actionable insights and data regarding your business operations - all sectors - right in front of you in appealing formats.  [...]

24 02, 2023

Supply Chain And Logistics Automation – The Potential It Holds For Your Business

Supply chain and logistics have historically been a back office function. Not many organizations paid heed to how their supply chain functioned. The focus remained only on having a good product. How it was delivered to the end-user was the least of an organization’s concerns.  Now, with modernization, supply chains are being rethought. That’s because [...]